A-TEK’s Federal Civilian Division has been reappraised at CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) Maturity Level 3 for Development (DEV) and Services (SVC).  The reappraisal was performed utilizing SCAMPI V1.3 by Mark Schilling, principal at Schilling Knowledge Engineering LLC.

CMMI® is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes that improve performance.  Reappraised at Maturity Level 3 under dual constellations:  Development (DEV) and Services (SVC) indicates the company continues to perform at a “defined” level, employing processes that are well characterized and understood, and are described in standards, procedures, tools, and methods.

A-TEK’s Federal Civilian Executive Vice President, Stephanie Cumberbatch, stated “Our CMMI Level III Appraisals makes us a better organization; instead of scrambling from one project to the next, the rigorous CMMI and ISO programs ensures requires discipline and deliberateness in our delivery approach. We have clearly defined practices that are institutionalized across the organization, which in the long term, saves us time and money while providing strategic value to our customers.

Our CMMI Maturity Level 3 ratings provide intrinsic benefit and meaning to our Federal customers in several ways:

·      ATEK’s work and processes have received the highest form of third-party validation

·      Consistencies in our organizational and delivery processes which elevates performance

·      Continuous process improvement and improved service delivery

·      Ongoing commitment to the highest levels of quality and overall productivity


Kathryn Freeland, President and CEO of A-TEK, Inc states, “Maturing our processes and closing capability gaps are key strategic corporate initiatives.  I am gratified that with all the challenges we are facing as a Nation in 2020, we remained focus on our goals, one of which was a successful CMMI reappraisal.  CMMI® ML 3 for DEV and SVC drives consistencies in our processes, improves service delivery to customers, and further demonstrates our commitment to quality and continuous organizational process improvement, which further enhances and strengthens our ability to serve the needs of our federal government customers.”  One Team. One A-TEK.

About A-TEK, Inc. 

Headquartered in McLean, VA, A-TEK and its wholly-subsidiary, Mackson Consulting, is comprised of a team of experts in managing the data that drives federal missions. A woman-owned small business with employees located in 11 states and 21 cities nationwide, A-TEK is a 23-year partner to U.S. government agencies including the NIH, FDA, CMS, and the Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, and Justice. A-TEK delivers science and IT services and solutions across a myriad of government mission areas including public health, national security, environmental, science, and law enforcement.



For more information about A-TEK, Inc, please visit https://www.atekinc.com/

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